Aviation-related WorldWideWeb Sites
weather | FBOs | clubs | catalogs | travel business | misc. |
W E A T H E R | |
Another graphic weather site | adds.aviationweather.noaa.gov |
NOAA Weather for Iowa | weather.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/iwszone?Sites=:iaz052 |
F I X E D B A S E O P E R A T O R S | |
Monticello Aviation,Inc. Monticello, IA (MXO) |
www.iowapilots.org/mxo_aviation/index.html |
A V I A T I O N C L U B S / O R G A N I Z A T I O N S | |
Arizona Pilots Association | www.arizonapilots.org |
Arkansas Pilots Association | arkansaspilotassn.hypermart.net |
Cessna 182-182 Club - Oklohoma City, OK The Web site is a product of the Cessna 172-182 Club, owned and operated by Scott and Debbie Jones. |
www.cessna172-182club.com |
Dyersville Iowa Airport and C-Flyers Club | www.dyersvilleairport.com |
EAA Chapter 327 Dubuque, Iowa based chapter of the EAA. |
www.eaachapter327.org |
Greencastle Flying Club | www.greencastle-aeroclub.com |
Illinois Pilots Association | www.illinoispilots.com |
Kansas Pilots Association | www.kansaspilots.org |
Key City Flyers - flying club that has a Piper Archer and Cessna 152 based atthe Dubuque Airport. | www.keycityflyers.org |
Missouri Pilots Association | www.mopilots.org |
Rockwell Collins employees flying club | www.collinsclubs.com/flyingclub/ |
South Dakota Pilots Association | www.sdpilots.org |
Texas Pilots Association | www.texaspilots.org |
United States Pilots Association | www.uspilots.org |
C A T A L O G S | |
Chief Aircraft Company | www.chiefaircraft.com |
Sportys Pilot Shop | www.sportys-catalogs.com |
T R A V E L B U S I N E S S | |
Clarity USA | www.clarityusa.com |
PaymentSphere | www.paymentsphere.com |
M I S C E L L A N E O U S | |
... a Magazine committed to the propagation and preservation of aviation. | www.americasflyways.com |
Annual Quad City Air Show Davenport, Iowa |
www.quadcityairshow.com |
Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) Cedar Rapids, IA |
www.crairport.org |
Find places in your area to fly to. | www.adventurepilot.com |
Flight-History is dedicated to capturing aviation history. The archives feature a growing collection of photographs, stories and aircraft specifications. The site includes the aviation artwork of several artists. | www.flight-history.com |
Iowa Aviation Promotion Group Fly Iowa |
www.flyiowa.org |
Iowa DOT Office of Aviation | www.iawings.com/calender/yearly.htm |
Paradise Skydives Company Vinton, IA |
www.paradise-skydives.com |
Wisconsin DOT Office of Aviation. | www.dot.wisconsin.gov/travel/air/fly-ins.htm |
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